Baptist Health is the most preferred healthcare provider in the area surrounding Jacksonville, Florida. With five hospitals, 200 primary care and specialty physician practices, children’s specialty clinics, and behavioral health facilities, it is also the largest network of physician offices in northeast Florida.

Baptist Health needed a compelling, state-of-the-art online communications and collaboration solution for the physician community and the health system’s network of employed, credentialed, and independent practices in the larger region.

The goal was to create a one-stop-shop that physicians in the Baptist Health network could rely on to quickly locate essential applications and documents necessary to provide the high level of care that is expected from them every day. TQA Healthcare Practice (formerly Element Blue) was selected to lead design and development of Baptist Health’s Physician Portal.

The team built Baptist Health’s Physician Portal using Sitecore’s Enterprise Experience Management platform as well as Solr to support the necessary new robust search, Find a Physician, and Location applications. In addition, Baptist Health’s Physician Portal utilizes Sitecore’s extensive support for personalized experiences. As physicians log into the portal they are recognized by Sitecore which immediately begins personalizing their experience, saving time by driving them to the most relevant content based on their specialty, department and location.

Move forward with a physician portal

Interested in building your own physician portal? Schedule a consultation with our digital experience and healthcare experts today.