If you’re embarking on process and task mining, you’ve likely got a strong grasp of how they fit together. When the time comes to get going, here is a five-step prep plan to keep in mind.

You’ve decided to undertake process and task mining. You’ve pinpointed the operations to explore and mapped out how you might go about it. But you need some help to ensure your bases are covered and everything has been thought through. Does this sound like you? If so, we’ve got some helpful advice.


First off, what value will process and task mining bring?

UiPath Process and Task Mining help companies to understand where in the business their processes may improve. The benefits can range from narrowing down tedious tasks to cost savings and overall higher morale across the organization.

The two tools work in tandem to deliver data about steps in a process. Properly implemented it strips the operations down to possible root causes and provides near-real-time control capabilities. This knowledge leads to opportunities to increase return on investment, efficiency, and accuracy by learning the root causes of task operations and performance.

Now, here’s our five-point prep plan and what you need to know when starting out on process and task mining.

  1. Evaluate the benefits scale

Before you do anything, thoughtfully scrutinize whether process and task mining are the right approaches with a value assessment. Every mining project requires resources and has a cost. Typically, small organizations with fair process awareness may not need a mining solution as costs could outweigh the benefits.

When you’re starting out, don’t try to do too much. Start with a small-scale pilot to prove the technology within your system, setup, and culture adjustment. If in doubt, standard process optimization using methodologies such as Lean Six Sigma and traditional robotic process automation (RPA) might suffice. In other words, don’t use a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

  1. Create a process improvement culture

Embarking on any new program of work requires a deliberate and structured approach. Resources must be allocated, and people need clear responsibilities – either formal or informal. This is the bedrock of everything, without which, little will be achieved.

People need to understand the requirement for, and benefits of, continuous improvement. It’s also vital to ensure relevant stakeholders are on-board and decision makers​ are identified and back the initiative.

  1. Ensure a digital transformation mindset

One of the key benefits of process and task mining is its ability to support digital transformation. It uncovers what a process is and how it runs at a case (order, invoice, ticket, etc.) and employee level throughout a business, offering insight into how it can be improved with modern technologies and automation.

With that in mind, everyone needs to have a mindset that embraces new software to address issues. Be sure to invest in your people with the training and tools to fulfil their roles. Making a process better but leaving it to run manually without a well-equipped staff is only doing half the job – and will thwart wider plans to digitalize a business.

  1. Ensure data is available

There will be a requirement for log data for process mining. This will come from digital platforms such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and IT service management (ITSM) systems.

Not having access to this could slow the process or be a complete showstopper, and it underlines that this all links to broader digital transformation. Task mining can fill the gaps in terms of recording how people work across software by tracking cursor movements and keystrokes, but data about the software integrates and operates is a must for a successful process mining implementation.

  1. Have a watertight plan

Yes, it sounds straightforward, but you need a plan to deliver results. This must include a business case for potential outcomes, a timeline, the likely return on investment, and a course of action for how you’ll get it. Ensure the data you’re utilizing to establish the plan of action is clean and clear to understand. We’ve all heard the phrase, ‘Rubbish in, rubbish out.’ If your data isn’t ready for use, don’t try to use it.

Technology for the sake of it can be hugely damaging to digital transformation. It requires a well-thought-out schedule that shows how process and task mining delivers an expected outcome, like increasing the automation rate or scaling other business benefits.


Take the guesswork out of planning with our recommendations

With these prerequisites in place, your project will be ready for success. If you’d like more tips and advice about embarking on a process and task mining program, get in touch. We’d be delighted to help you prepare a plan of action that’s perfect for your business – and that will get results.